Privacy Policy

Last Updated on June 11, 2024

Auraben (“Auraben”) knows that you are concerned about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. We are committed to giving you transparency of our privacy practices and control over your data. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not use the Site or Services.

For purposes of this Privacy Policy, the terms "we," "us," and "our" refers to Auraben. "You" and ”your” refers to you, as a visitor or users of the Site or the Services.

By visiting or using our website and its services, and any other linked pages, features, or content offered from time to time by our website in connection therewith (collectively, the “Services”), you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy.

When This Privacy Policy Applies:

This Privacy Policy covers Auraben’s treatment of (1) information you provide directly to us, and (2) information that is automatically provided to us or collected through your use of our online services when you are accessing Auraben’s Services. Our Policy does not apply to the practices of other companies or other websites or software applications that may be linked from or made available through our Online Services.

The inclusion of a link on our online services or the ability to utilize a third-party website or software application through our online services does not imply that we endorse, or otherwise monitor the privacy or security practices of that third-party website or software application or the accuracy of its content, and your use of the third-party website or software application is governed by the third-party's privacy policy.

This Privacy Policy is not intended to and does not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.

What Information We Collect About You:

We may collect two basic types of information through the Online Services: (1) information you provide directly to us, and (2) information that is automatically provided to us or collected through your use of our Online Services (collectively, “Information”).

Such Information may include information that identifies you such as your full name, telephone number, email address, postal address, certain account numbers, your User ID that you create or is assigned to you, health and medical information, including Protected Health Information, financial information and other information described in this Privacy Policy.

When you use the Online Services, you may provide certain Information directly to us. For example, you may input a telephone number or email address into a webform or enter information into a chat functionality.

We also may obtain Information that is automatically collected through the Online Services. The automatically collected Information may include demographic, de-identified, aggregated, or certain information from your device such as technical information about your device, web-browser information, and server log files collected by us or provided by you.

You may limit the Information you provide or make available to us if you want to; however, that may limit your ability to access or use certain functions of our online Services or to request certain services or information.

Our web servers automatically capture your domain name, the IP address of the web page from which you enter our website, browser type, the pages you visit on our website, the amount of time you spend here and other relevant information about your visit. We do not collect any information that can reveal your personal identity unless you voluntarily provide it when you register to use interactive features of our service.

We may collect information about you from third-party sources, such as: service providers, business partners, public and third-party databases, platform providers, non-affiliated partners, other users of our Services, public sources, third-party advertising partners, or from other third parties. Information we collect from third parties may be combined with other information we have collected about you.

If someone else requests a quote or applies for health insurance coverage on your behalf (e.g.,if you’re a dependent), we collect the following information from them about you: your name, gender, birthdate, physical address, email address, Social Security number, phone number, and other relevant information.

How We Use Your Information:

We may use Information to contact you through any contact information you provide through our online services, including any email address, telephone number, cell phone number, or fax number. We may communicate, electronically or via telephone with you about your benefit plan, programs, products, or services that are or may be available to you in connection with your transactions with us.

We may, when permitted, combine your Information with other information, whether online or offline, maintained or available to us from you or from other sources, such as from our vendors, and we may use and disclose combined data for the purpose described in this Section or for internal business purposes. We may, when permitted, use and disclose de-identified and aggregated data for any purpose, which may include, without limitation, disclosures to third parties for analytics purposes such as evaluating the Online Services and providing additional benefits, programs, and services.

Any personally identifiable information you give us will be used only as permitted by law, including to provide the product, service or information you have requested. Unless you specifically consent to let us do so, your personally identifiable information (PII), including your e-mail address, will not be sold, rented, licensed, or otherwise shared with third parties, other than affiliates or business partners as appropriate to fulfill a request from you.
Additionally, unless subject to your consent, to fulfill a request from you, or as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy we won’t send you any unsolicited e-mail ("spam").

The non-personally identifiable information we gather in aggregate form may be used to improve our service, and we may share that information with our affiliates, business partners, third-party vendors working on our behalf.

Information that you voluntarily provided will be maintained as long as Auraben deems appropriate to fulfill the purpose for which you provided the information, until you request us to remove it, or for as long as permitted under applicable law.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we may also disclose your information if we believe in good faith that doing so is necessary or appropriate to: (i) protect or defend the rights, safety or property of Auraben or third parties (including through the enforcement of this Privacy Policy, and other applicable agreements and policies); or (ii) comply with legal and regulatory obligations (e.g., pursuant to law enforcement inquiries, subpoenas or court orders). To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we have complete discretion in electing to make or not make such disclosures, and to contest or not contest requests for such disclosures, all without notice to you.

How We Share Your Information:

We will only share your Information with our affiliates and/or third parties as outlined in this Policy and as otherwise permitted by law or as permitted with your consent.

We may share Information if all or part of Auraben is sold, merged, dissolved, acquired, or disbanded to any extent in a similar transaction, or in connection with steps that may need to be taken in anticipation of such events.

We may share Information in response to a court order, subpoena, search warrant, or to comply with law or regulation. We may cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigating and prosecuting activities that are illegal, violate our rules, or may be harmful to other visitors.

We may also share Information with other third-party companies with whom we have a business relationship or hire to perform services on our behalf. For example, we may hire a third-party company to help us send and manage email, and we might provide that third-party company with your email address and certain other Information for them to send you an email message on our behalf. Similarly, we may hire third-party companies to host or operate some of our online services and related computers and software applications.

Our online services may permit you to view your profile, if applicable, and access related Information about you and to request changes to such Information. Please remember, however, if we have already disclosed some of this Information to third parties, we may not have access to that disclosed information and may not be able to force the modification of any Information by the third parties to whom we have made those disclosures.

Communication Preference Management:

If you need additional assistance in opting out of a communication, please Contact Us for assistance. Please be aware that opt-outs may not apply to certain types of communications, such as account status, Online Service updates, or other communications.

Cookies and Tracking:

When you visit the Service, we may place a temporary "session" or a permanent cookie on your computer that will allow us to customize and enhance your experience at the Service, make improvements to our Service, or to report Service activity. Our session cookies are not permanently stored on your computer and expire when you leave. Permanent cookies are issued to Service visitors who link the Service from a search engine and are used only to permit Auraben to attract qualified users to the Service. Our cookies are not used to send spam. We store cookie information in aggregate form and use the aggregate information to make improvements to the Service or in internal reports on Service activity. You may opt out of allowing cookies to be placed on your computer. "Cookies" are small text files that may be placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit an Online Service or click on a URL using your web browser. Cookies may include "single-session cookies" which generally record information during only a single visit to a website and then are erased, and "persistent" cookies which are generally stored on a computer or mobile device unless or until they are deleted or are set to expire. You may disable cookies and similar items by adjusting your browser preferences at any time; however, this may limit your ability to take advantage of all the features on our online services.

The Company may also use various technologies, including tokens, tags, web logs, web beacons, scripts, and web server logs to gather automatically collected information and may aggregate this information from visitors of our online services or to enable certain features of our online services. This information may include demographic data, technical information about the technology (e.g., phone, computer) you use to connect to the online services, web browser information, your IP address, and browsing behavior such as pages visited and how often they are visited (collectively, "Activity Information"). We may also use third-party analytics companies to provide these services.

We may also allow third parties to use cookies and other technologies to collect Activity Information and to track browsing activity over time and across third-party websites such as web browsers used to read our Online Services, which websites are referring traffic or linking to our online Services, and to deliver targeted advertisements to you. We do not control these third-party technologies, and their use of such technologies is governed by their own privacy policies.

Please note that we do not currently respond to web browser "Do Not Track" signals that provide a method to opt out of the collection of Information about online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services because, among other reasons, there is no common definition of such signals and no industry-accepted standards for how such signals should be interpreted.

User Generated Content:

We invite you to post content on our Services, including your comments and reviews that you would like to be available on our Services. If you post your own content on our Services, your posting may become public and Auraben cannot prevent such information from being used in a manner that may violate this Policy, the law, or your personal privacy.

Protecting Your Information:

We maintain administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect the Information that you provide on our online Services. These safeguards vary based on the sensitivity of the Information that is being collected, used, and stored. We cannot guarantee the security of our online Services, nor can we guarantee the security of the Information you transmit to us over the Internet, including your use of email. We are not liable for the illegal acts of third parties such as criminal hackers.

It is your responsibility to safeguard the devices you use to access our online services (such as laptops, tablets and mobile devices), and to use appropriate security settings on those devices. If those devices are lost, stolen or misplaced, others may be able to access your account and your personal Information using those devices. You should affirmatively log out of your account (i) prior to ending your session, or (ii) if you will be inactive on the Online Services for more than a few minutes; otherwise, the next user of that computer or device, particularly a public one or one not owned by you, maybe able to access your account and the Information in your account if your session has not ended.

You agree that we are not responsible for any harm that may result from someone accessing your account or personal Information on any computer or device where you do not, for any reason, take the necessary steps to log out of your account prior to ending a session on such device or computer.

We retain Information for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it is collected, subject to a longer period if the Information is relevant to a legal challenge.

Children Under 13:

We understand the importance of protecting children’s privacy in the interactive world. We will not intentionally collect any personal information (as that term is defined in the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) from children under the age of 13 through our online Services without receiving parental consent.

In the event that we become aware that we have collected Personal Information from any child, we will dispose of that information in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and other applicable laws and regulations. If you are a parent or guardian and you think that we have collected such personal information from a child under the age of 13 through our online Services, please Contact Us immediately and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that such information is deleted from our files.

Revisions to the Privacy Statement:

We may revise this Privacy Statement from time to time as we add new features or modify the way in which we manage information, or as laws change that may affect our services. If we make material changes to our Privacy Statement, we will post notice of this on our Site prior to the changes becoming effective. Any revised Privacy Statement will apply both to information we already have about you at the time of the change, and any personal information created or received after the change takes effect. We include a version number on this Privacy Statement consisting of the date (month, day, and year) that it was last revised. We encourage you to periodically reread this Privacy Statement, to see if there have been any changes to our policies that may affect you.

HIPPAA Compliance:

Disclosing Your Health information:

You are not required to share all your health information with us. Only that information that are relevant for the provision of our service will be requested by us and you may have to share the same. Please do not share any information that is not requested by us.

Use of Your Health Information:

Auraben uses and discloses your health information for the normal business activities that the law sees as falling in the categories of:

1) Health Care Providers' Treatment Purposes

2) Your payment purposes

3) Our service and business operations

4) To Business Associates

5) To comply with legal proceedings, to law enforcement & to public health authorities.

Potential Impact of State Law:

In some situations, the HIPAA Privacy Rules do not preempt (or take precedence over) state privacy laws that give you greater privacy protections. As a result, the privacy laws of a particular state might impose a privacy standard under which we will be required to operate (for example, a state privacy law relating to disclosures of medical information of minors).

Your Rights:

You may make a written request to us to do one or more of the following concerning your medical information that we maintain:

1) To put additional restrictions on our use and disclosure of your medical information. We do not have to agree to your request.

2) To communicate with you in confidence about your medical information by a different means or at a different location than we are currently doing. We do not have to agree to your request unless such confidential communications are necessary to avoid endangering you and your request continues to allow us to collect premiums and pay claims. Your request must specify the alternative means or location. Even though you requested that we communicate with you in confidence, we may give subscribers cost information.

3) To see and get copies of your medical information. In limited cases, we do not have to agree to your request.

4) To correct your medical information. In some cases, we do not have to agree to your request.

5) To receive a list of disclosures of your medical information that we and our business associates made for certain purposes for the last 6 years.

6) To send you a paper copy of this Notice if you received this Notice by email or on the Internet.

If you want to exercise any of these rights described in this Notice, please contact the Contact Office (below). We will give you the necessary information and forms for you to complete and return to the Contact Office. In some cases, we may charge you a nominal, cost-based fee to carry out your request.


If you believe we have violated your privacy rights, you have the right to complain to us or to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You may file a complaint with us at our Contact Office (below). We will not retaliate against you if you choose to file a complaint with us or with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Your California Privacy Rights:

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 entitles California customers to request information relating to whether a business has disclosed personal information to any third parties for the third parties' direct marketing purposes. As explained elsewhere in this Privacy Notice, Auraben will not sell or transfer your personal information to third party companies for their direct marketing purposes without your consent. California customers who wish to request further information about our compliance with this statute or who have questions may contact us.

Contact Us:

Contact us regarding this Policy or related privacy practices. If you believe we or any company associated with us has misused your Information, please contact us immediately.

Choosing the right health plan can feel overwhelming. Auraben is dedicated to helping you choose confidently.


4049 Jordan Lake Dr, Marietta, Georgia, United States of America (USA) - 30062


©2024 Auraben. All rights reserved.

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